What We Do

Our Initiatives

Circumstances vary from individual to individual, and family to family. Multiple factors can cause an individual to become displaced from their home or fall short in being able to provide the necessities that are needed to get from day to day. MNH aims to help fill those voids by providing laundry services, personal essentials, toiletries, hot and cold meals, and housing to those in the DFW communities who need assistance. Understanding that times get hard and resources are needed, MNH is a support system for those individuals, in our communities.

Laundry Services

Everyone is not equipped with a washer/dryer unit in their home, and some do not have the means to be able to make it to the nearest laundry mat. MNH will utilize its partnerships and resources to provide services to those individuals so that they will continue to have laundered clothing.

Personal Essentials & Toiletries

Society has stricken many individuals and families to have to face the reality of not having the necessities to maintain personal hygiene. MNH understands that costs, lack of availability, and access to toiletries and personal essentials are struggles that many face. With sponsors and partnerships, MNH will aid in alleviating the struggle to help ensure basic human needs are met.

Hot / Cold Meals

Food is essential for survival. Hunger in our communities is a constant issue. We understand that access is limited to those who do not have the financial support or the means to be able to nourish themselves with a decent meal. MNH will serve the homeless, underserved, and impoverished communities with meals.


Parenthood alone is a task, having to do it alone comes with its own set of stressors, setbacks, and struggles. Divorce, economic impacts, and financial instability are factors that can displace a single-parent household. With combined efforts from MNH and its community and corporate partnerships restoring faith and hope back into the hearts of single parents is important. Parents make sacrifices that they hope their children would not have to make, and with the ability to provide shelter and a home, it is one less worry that a single parent must endure.

We honor the families we serve by inviting them to contribute to the process. We are grateful to be invited into the communities we serve and work side-by-side with local leaders offering transformative solutions that are both sustainable and carved out at the hands of the community itself.